Hemophilia gene therapy: first, do no harm

Authors: Valentino, LA.; Kaczmarek, R; Pierce, GF.; Noone, D; O’Mahony, B; Page, D; Rotellini, D; Skinner, MW.

Affiliations: Rush Univ, Chicago, IL USA. Natl Hemophilia Fdn, Seven Penn Pl,Suite 1205, New York, NY 10001 USA. Indiana Univ Sch Med, Indianapolis, IN USA. Hirszfeld Inst Immunol & Expt Therapy, Wrocław, Poland. World Federat Hemophilia, Montreal, PQ, Canada. European Haemophilia Consortium, Brussels, Belgium. Irish Haemophilia Soc, Dublin, Ireland. Trinity Coll Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. Canadian Hemophilia Soc, Montreal, PQ, Canada. Inst Policy Advancement, Washington, DC USA. McMaster Univ, Hamilton, ON, Canada.

Publication: Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 2023. 21. 2354–2361

ABSTRACT: The introduction of adeno-associated virus-mediated, liver-directed gene therapy into the hemophilia treatment landscape brings not only great promise but also considerable uncertainty to a community that has a history punctuated by the devastating effects of HIV and hepatitis C virus. These infections were introduced into people with hemophilia through the innovation of factor concentrates in the 1970s and 1980s. Concentrates, heralded as a major advance in treatment at the time, brought devastation and death to the community already challenged by the complications of bleeding into joints, vital organs, and the brain. Over the past 5 decades, considerable advances in hemophilia treatment have improved the survival, quality of life, and participation of people with hemophilia, although challenges remain and health equity with their unaffected peers has not yet been achieved. The decision to take a gene therapy product is one in which an informed, holistic, and shared decision-making approach must be employed. Bias on the part of health care professionals and people with hemophilia must be addressed and minimized. Here, we review data leading to the regulatory authorization of valoctocogene roxaparvovec, an adeno-associated virus 5 gene therapy, in Europe to treat hemophilia A and etranacogene dezaparvovec-drlb in the United States and Europe to treat hemophilia B. We also provide an overview of the decisionmaking process and recommend steps that should be taken by the hemophilia community to ensure the safety of and optimal outcomes for people with hemophilia who choose to receive a gene therapy product.