Heterogeneity of Genotype-Phenotype in Congenital Hypofibrinogenemia-A Review of Case Reports Associated with Bleeding and Thrombosis

Authors: Brunclikova, M; Simurda, T; Zolkova, J; Sterankova, M; Skornova, I; Dobrotova, M; Kolkova, Z; Loderer, D; Grendar, M; Hudecek, J; Stasko, J; Kubisz, P

Affiliations: National Centre of Hemostasis and Thrombosis, Department of Hematology and Transfusiology, University Hospital in Martin, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin, Comenius University in Bratislava, 03601 Martin, Slovakia.

Publication: Journal of Clinical Medicine ; 2022 ; 11 ; February 2022

Abstract: Congenital fibrinogen disorders are diseases associated with a bleeding tendency; however, there are also reports of thrombotic events. Fibrinogen plays a role in the pathogenesis of thrombosis due to altered plasma concentrations or modifications to fibrinogen’s structural properties, which affect clot permeability, resistance to lysis, and its stiffness. Several distinct types of genetic change and pathogenetic mechanism have been described in patients with bleeding and a thrombotic phenotype, including mutations affecting synthesis or processing in three fibrinogen genes. In this paper, we focused on familial hypofibrinogenemia, a rare inherited quantitative fibrinogen disorder characterized by decreased fibrinogen levels with a high phenotypic heterogeneity. To begin, we briefly review the basic information regarding fibrinogen’s structure, its function, and the clinical consequences of low fibrinogen levels. Thereafter, we introduce 15 case reports with various gene mutations derived from the fibrinogen mutation database GFHT (French Study Group on Hemostasis and Thrombosis), which are associated with congenital hypofibrinogenemia with both bleeding and thrombosis. Predicting clinical presentations based on genotype data is difficult. Genotype-phenotype correlations would be of help to better understand the pathologic properties of this rare disease and to provide a valuable tool for the identification of patients who are not only at risk of bleeding, but also at risk of a thrombotic event.