Comprehensive analysis of coagulation factor delivery strategies in a cohort of trauma patients

Authors: Roquet, F; Godier, A; Garrigue-Huet, D; Hanouz, J-L; Vardon-Bounes, F; Legros, V; Pirracchio, R; Ausset, S; Duranteau, J; Vigué, B; Hamada, SR

Affiliations: Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care, University of California, San Francisco, CA, United States

Publication: Anaesthesia Critical Care & Pain Medicine ; 2023 ; 42

Abstract: PURPOSE: The 5th edition of The European recommendations for the management of major bleeding and coagulopathy following trauma leaves room for various coagulation factor administration strategies. The present study examines these strategies reporting prevalence and timing of administration, quantity dispensed, and transfusion ratios in French trauma centers and their compliance with recommendations alongside associated mortality data. METHODS: All adult patients, admitted directly to participating centers between 2011 and 2019, were extracted from a trauma registry. Two subpopulations were studied: severe hemorrhage (SH) and massive transfusion (MT) groups. RESULTS: A total of 19,396 patients were included, among whom 8.4% (1630) experienced SH and 3% (579) received MT. Within the first 24 hours, 10% received fresh frozen plasma (FFP), rising to 93% and 99% in the subgroups of patients experiencing SH and MT respectively. Only, 8% received fibrinogen concentrate (FC), increasing to 75% and 92% in subgroups SH and MT respectively. Co-administration of FFP and FC became the dominant strategy with 68% of patients at 6 h and 72% at 24 h in SH subgroup. In unadjusted data, mortality was systematically lower in groups that complied with recommendations, a lower mortality than expected was mostly observed in contrast to non-compliant subgroups. The per-patient compliance to studied recommendations was 21% and 22% in SH and MT subgroups. CONCLUSION: The main hemostatic strategy for major bleeding combined the administration of both FFP and FC, favoring an early additional supply of fibrinogen. Compliance with the recommendations was low in SH and MT subgroups.